Sains Surgical is the company name under which Mr. Parv Sains (Consultant Surgeon) offers A wide range OF private surgical services.
All surgical consultations, procedures and operations are carried out personally by Mr. Sains at one of the private hospitals or clinics that he is affiliated with - please click here to see all affiliates.
Mr. Sains specializes in General surgery, Laparoscopic (Keyhole) surgery and Coloproctology. He undertakes a variety of surgical procedures from minor surgery through to major abdominal surgery. Together with this he also provides an endoscopy service (colonoscopy and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy) as well as out patient procedures.

Throughout his training, Mr Sains has gained a wide surgical experience alongside focused general and colorectal laparoscopic experience. This was further augmented by spending two years out of region training at Imperial College, St Mary's Hospital, Paddington, London. Mr Sains final period of training was at Frimley Park Hospital as a Post CCT Laparoscopic Fellow in General and Colorectal Surgery.
We specialise in several different types hernia, which include: Inguinal ; Epigastric ; Umbilical ; Para-Umbilical ; Incisional ; Femoral . . . READ MORE >>
We offer varous types of Endoscopic Procedures. Our most popular procedures are: Colonoscopy ; Flexible Sigmoidoscopy ; OGD . . . READ MORE >>
We provide four main types of Perianal Procedures. These procedures are: Haemorrhoids ; Skin Tags ; Fissure In Ano ; Fistula In Ano . . . READ MORE >>